Eye Candy: An Experiment on a Bird in the Air
                Pump, by Joseph Wright of Derby
I have a number of hobbies. Gaming, rock climbing, and computers top the list. I used to climb a bit but stopped, and was getting back into it till I came back to NY, and should start again Real Soon Now (at least in the gym). I'm into gaming, I'll play just about any kind of strategy game, my favorites are probably board wargames, computer strategy games, other board games (e.g. German games), roleplaying games, and card games. I like to mess around with computers, programming, setting up websites/web servers (shocking, huh), stuff like that. Combining those two interests, I'm now the GM for an online strategy game I used to play in: To Boldly Go. You should check it out.

I like the Lisp languages a lot, but rarely get to use them, of those, I have been working with Common Lisp more recently.

I also got my Amateur Radio license a short while back, haven't done enough with that, but may.

Dr Eric Edward Moore
Last modified: Thu May 1 19:16:16 BST 2003